Business Resources


Town of Plainfield: 839-2561
Town Garage Dept. of Public Works: 839-3490
Plainfield Police Administration: 839-3562
Plainfield Town Court: 839-3710
Plainfield Fire Dept. Administration: 839-6939
Plainfield License Branch: 839-2423
Plainfield recreation & Aquatic Center: 839-7665
Plainfield Water: 837-0000
Plainfield Post Office: 839-4675
Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library: 839-6602

Guilford Township

Guilford Township Assessors: 839-4696
Guilford Township Trustee: 838-0564
Guilford Township Hummel Park: 839-9121

Plainfield Schools

Plainfield Community Schools Admin. Offices: 839-2578
Plainfield High School: 839-7711
Plainfield Middle School: 838-3966
Brentwood Elementary: 839-4802
Clarks Creek Elementary: 839-0120
Central Elementary: 839-7707
Van Buren Elementary: 839-2575

Hendricks County Offices

Animal Control: 745-8250
Assessor: 745-9207
Auditor: 745-9300
County Clerk: 745-9231
Country Treasurer: 745-9220
Sheriff Administration: 745-6269
Voter Registration: 745-9249